Monginevro porta la “smart city” sulle piste da sci grazie a Orange

Orange Business Services annuncia il suo primo “Smart Resort” a Monginevro, nelle Alpi, parte di un progetto che sarà sviluppato in tutta la Francia.
La trasformazione digitale di Monginevro è coordinata attraverso una strategia “smart city” che combina Wi-Fi gratuito, un’app mobile disponibile da inizio dicembre per iOS e Android e analisi dei big data. Gli obiettivi sono triplici: migliorare l’esperienza turistica in montagna, facilitare la vita a residenti e visitatori e sostenere lo sviluppo economico e turistico di una delle più antiche stazioni sciistiche della Francia.
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eBRIDGE – A smart project that drives the change

eBRIDGE is an EU co-funded project that promotes new mobility concepts and services in Europe and helps e-fleets development in Europe. Seven pioneering cities are now testing innovative solutions to make electric mobility a main part of their urban transport system.

Mobility is a universal need and a driver of economic development. European cities have to allow millions of people and goods moving in and around them on a daily basis, making urban life an exciting, but challenging experience.

Traffic jams, air pollution, noisy environments and constant delays are part of the common routines of the urban dwellers, clearly reducing quality of life and increasing costs.

But is there any solution to provide for the citizens’ mobility needs and to enhance their quality of life? Part of this solution could arrive from eBRIDGE, a co-funded EU project with a clear vision: a “towards zero-carbon transport system”. As part of this vision, the number of electric vehicles is broadly expanded in cities and towns, their usage is combined with other modes of transport (e.g. public transport and bicycles) and new mobility services as car sharing and car pooling are introduced.

eBRIDGE philosophy is that electric fleets and new technologies can help transform today’s mobility into a cleaner, efficient and sustainable mobility of the future. The eBRIDGE approach is different from that of many other projects and governmental plans: we do not believe that only public incentives will be able to make the difference, as they rely on a huge amount of public funds, coming up with few citizens buying and using electric cars. On the contrary, eBRIDGE starts from existing car fleets,  aiming at converting them to electric, encouraging their usage by improving the services provided, making the recharging network more available and focusing on targeted marketing and promotions among users.

But it is difficult to change attitudes and behaviours and to overtake significant barriers such as low users’ acceptance and higher purchase costs compared to conventional cars.That’s why seven pioneering cities were chosen to test innovative solutions to make electric mobility a main part of their urban transport system.

These cities, so called Drivers of Change, are Berlin, some Austrian municipalities, Vigo, Valencia-Palma, Milan, Lisbon and Carmarthen. Their heterogeneous starting conditions will provide a broad-spectrum outcome.
The Drivers of Change are located in different European countries, they have different dimensions and population sizes. 

Depending on their starting points and needs, the eBRIDGE cities are applying actions to optimise operational fleet performance, test and launch solutions to increase the convenience and ease of use of car sharing offers, and raise awareness on the suitability of electric mobility for urban transport and commuting.

The eBRIDGE e-fleets are Flinkster car sharing/Berlin; Caruso peer to peer car sharing/Austrian Municipalities; CEAGA business car sharing/Vigo; E:Sharing car sharing/Valencia;GuidaMI car sharing/Milan; Câmara Municipal de Lisboa municipal car sharing; Carmarthenshire County Council municipal car sharing.

The introduction of electric vehicles in fleets for business and private urban travel can efficiently contribute to the creation of liveable, vibrant and competitive cities with less pollution, fewer cars and congestion, less noise and more space to enjoy urban life and in doing so, improve the market conditions for the electric mobility sector.

Behind the eBRIDGE project there is a team of thirteen partners from Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Portugal and United Kingdom. Among them are technical experts, academics, companies, public administrations, mobility providers and public transport and car sharing operators.

In order to engage and commit fleet managers and car users, the project will produce useful tools and material, among others, the eBRIDGE Start Up Kit, to assist key actors with the implementation of electric vehicles in their fleets as well as optimisation measures to increase their overall performance.

6 Giugno Napoli – The Architect – I Sensi della Città.

Giovedì 6 giugno 2013 Napoli – ore 14:30
Mostra d’Oltremare – Sala Ischia Palacongressi

Sono passati i tempi di slanci progettuali tendenti a cancellare il caos naturale, matrice di ogni città e delle sue stratificazioni culturali e architettoniche, attraverso la composizione di un ordine polifunzionale teso a controllare, attraverso la rigidità di un progetto, l’inevitabile moltitudine di possibilità che lo spazio urbano nasconde.

La città polisensoriale è la città della percezione personale, plasmata dai sensi intangibili: vista, udito, tatto, olfatto, gusto. La città dei sensi apre un milione di declinazioni per rendere più ricca, progettandola, un’identità urbana per esserci fisicamente prima che razionalmente.

Smart Cities e reti digitali per riqualificare Napoli. Workshop con Ratti, de Kerckhove, Bennato, Freyrie.

Una riflessione del massmediologo Derrick De Kerckhove sul workshop “The Architect” che si terrà giovedi 6 giugno a Napoli, con Carlo Ratti, Edoardo Bennato e Leopoldo Freyrie.

La quotidiana convivenza con le tecnologie e gli spazi della dimensioni digitale, ci impegna nella trasformazione della nostra professione e con essa vogliamo contribuire a rendere moderna e sostenibile la qualità della vita nelle città e nei luoghi dell’area metropolitana napoletana”.

E’ quanto spiega Gennaro Polichetti, presidente dell’Ordine degli architetti di Napoli, nel presentare “The Architect”, il workshop internazionale che si terrà giovedi alle ore 14,30 presso il “Palacongressi” della Mostra d’Oltremare. Esperti internazionali e architetti napoletani si confronteranno sul tema delle “smart cities” e del contributo che la rete e le tecnologie digitali possono offrire per migliore la vita delle città e dei cittadini, contribuendo a trovare le migliori e sostenibili soluzioni per una moderna e concreta riqualificazione urbana della città di Napoli e della sua area metropolitana.

Sul tema “I sensi della città” animeranno la discussione Carlo Ratti, uno dei più importanti esperti mondiali nel campo delle “smart cities”, direttore del “Seanseable City Lab” del Mit di Boston, Derrick De Kerckhove, massmediologo canadese, uno dei maggiori esperti di comunicazione, impegnato in studi avanzati sulla “persona digitale”, Edoardo Bennato, architetto, ma ben più noto come cantautore, che ha sempre raccontato in maniera acuta ed originale la città attraverso le sue canzoni e il presidente del consiglio nazionale degli architetti, Leopoldo Freyrie.

Il professore di urbanistica, Vincenzo Meo, illustrerà un documento prodotto dall’Ordine degli architetti che ha analizzato i territori di Napoli e della sua provincia attraverso incontri itineranti con architetti ed urbanisti che operano quotidianamente in complesse e talvolta degradate realtà urbane.

New 3G Sensors stream photo and video to the Cloud for new Security and Military applications

The new Video Camera Sensor board in conjunction with the 3G module for Waspmote allows to take photos (VGA – 640×480) and record videos (QVGA – 320×240) and send them to the Cloud by using high speed WCDMA and HSPA cellular networks in the same way as Smartphones do. This makes possible sensor nodes send not only discrete sensor information such as temperature or humidity (which can be encoded using just a single number) but also complex streams of information such as photos and videos. This new feature allows developers the creation of new Security, Surveillance and Military applications. Read more.
   Libelium Smart World Infographic (“Sensors for Smart Cities and beyond”)
After creating the inspirational and market research document 50 Sensor Applications for a Smarter World, we have comprised that information in a beautiful infographic comprising Smart Cities and other sensing applications. Just at a glance you can see all the verticals that are changing with the Internet of Things and understand why it is the next technological revolution. Both the document and infographic can be found here.
   Waspmote on tour in April
During this month, Libelium will be speaking and exhibiting at a number of events at San Francisco, Doha, Berlin and London. All of them will be great opportunities to meet Libelium staff and know more about our latest product releases. More information on how to attend to any of these events or schedule a meeting with ushere.
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